Ki Courses
Quantum Acceleration of a New Consiousnesss

Accessing Memory: Pearls from the Great Ocean of One's Meta Verse Retrieval
Accessing dimensions, information and memories via Dream Realms, & other forms of consciousness is an Interactive Group is designed to access memories and the pearls from the ocean that is your MetaVerse and therein retrieve your journey's memories from past, present and the future.
These pearls can be plucked from the vast ocean that is one's MetaVerse and impart a deeper understanding of one's past, present and future. It is designed to navigate through the eternal scapes in order to comprehend one's personal journey with the assistance of the Higher Self through the aethers to navigate through all levels of existence within all states of reality.
It is an interactive group that will share analysis on different levels so that more is revealed beyond the veils.
Learning to navigate through the world's of real dream realms that are communicating and translating information, insight, warnings and precognitions.
This group is designed to aid in accessing more memory and hence lessoning the spell of separation from all the aetheric levels that we all navigate through in order to learn more of who you are, where you have come from and where your journey is going within the Grand BeComing.
If you are interested in registering please email sovereignkees@gmail.com and or metakiqinetics@gmail.com.
Cost: $481.00 USD via PayPal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com and or reignaleon@gmail.com
Recordings are not permitted and there are no refunds once joined and/or if classes are missed. Attendance is the responsibility of the attendee as the material is only available within the group, therefore cannot be made-up is missed as recordings are not available.
Personal shifts in the material plane will be experienced as well as breakthroughs leading to accelerated personal growth and evolution ~

(For Men Only) Spiritual Communication in Relationships.
The Dance of Love
This group runs for 5 weeks and is TO BE ANNOUNCED
This group will give men the opportunity to discuss and learn the dynamics between men and women in order to bring more harmony and balance into everyday life. Men are often not given a platform to discuss, ask and learn many things with regards to not only women, relationships and the many hidden intricacies of the dance of love, but also how to obtain confidence in life so as to embark on engaging communication as well as the nuances that are entwined in the workings of attraction, love and maintenance.
This group is for men who are in relationships and desire to learn the deeper dynamics and understanding between men and women- for those that seek to find one whom they can share their life and passions with. This course will teach how to read energy, nuances, red flags and much much more, equipping one with not only knowledge, but a depth of understanding that is priceless. It is a place for healing, integration and understanding.
Cost: $444.00 USD via PayPal to metakiqinetic@gmail.com or reignaleon@gmail.com.
Email sovereignkees@gmail.com or metakiqinetics@gmail.com if you wish to register.
Recordings are not permitted and there are no refunds once joined and/or if classes are missed. Attendance is the responsibility of the attendee as the material is only available within the group, therefore cannot be made-up if missed as recordings are not available.
Personal shifts in the material plane will be experienced as well as breakthroughs leading to personal growth and evolution.

Tools From Heaven: How to Combat the Inversion
This group runs for five weeks -
This is weekly on Saturdays starting :
Fee is $488 US via PayPal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com
Tools From Heaven is an interactive group designed to equip everyone with the vital spiritual, physical, emotional and mental weapons to navigate this Inverted Realm so that we bring through our Heaven on Earth in protection and a deeper comprehension leading to inner peace and sovereignty.
Email sovereignkees@gmail.com or metakiqinetics@gmail.com to register.
Cost: $488.00 USD via PayPal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com or reignaleon@gmail.com.
Recordings are not permitted and there are no refunds once joined and/or if classes are missed. Attendance is the responsibility of the attendee as the material is only available within the group, therefore cannot be made-up if missed as recordings are not available.
Personal shifts in the material plane will be experienced as well as breakthroughs leading to personal growth and evolution.

Spirit to Body: Sovereignty
Introduction Principles
Spirit to Body Meta-Physical Laws of Manifestation & the Principles of Matter
The Group runs for 4 weeks will begin on: THIS IS TO BE ANNOUNCED
: zoom link will be emailed thirty minutes prior to sessions.
The Spirit to Body Sovereignty Introduction Group deals with the laws that operate this realm & personal experience in navigating though the illusions, perceptions, magic and AI just to name a few. This group is designed to equip one to be able to see through the spells and tactics cast to confuse, manipulate, subvert and hijack through the imposter hive consciousness.
Cost: $425.00 USD via Paypal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com or reignaleon@gmail.com
Email sovereignkees@gmail.com to register and confirm your spot.
Limited availability.
The Group is focused for evolutionary integration. Recordings are not permitted and there are no refunds once joined. Attendance is the responsibility of the attendee as the material is only available within the group, therefore cannot be made up if missed as recordings are not available.

Contingency Group: Current Affairs, Stage Crafting & Preparation
Contingency Group: Current Affairs of Stage Crafting - This group will run once a month.
STARTING DATE Due to unexpected events the contingency group will be postponed. A new date and time will be provided in the next 2 weeks.
please register at sovereignkees@gmail.com and payment can be made via metakiqinetics@gmail.com
The Contingency group deals with the shifting currents of the present situation. This discussion group will give a platform to share information, perspectives, intel and intuition's regarding our current state of affairs and the engineering behind the scenes in all things stage crafting.
This group is designed to aid in preparation tips and how to best navigate through the uncertainties to not only be well prepared but also to gain a sense of balance in divine guidance and protection.
Cost: $74.00 US via PayPal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com
To register email sovereignkees@gmail.com and or metakiqinetics@gmail.com. Payment can be made through PayPal to either metakiqinetics@gmail.com or reignaleon@gmail.com
Recordings are not permitted and there are no refunds once joined. Attendance is the responsibility of the attendee as the material is only available within the group, therefore cannot be made up if missed as recordings are not available.

For Men Only
Part II
Down the Rabbit Hole
Mothers, Sons & Partners: The Enmeshment Program- Toxic "Love"& Their Deep Dark Secrets
Healing for Life Balance, Power & Freedom
Down the Rabbit Hole : The Enmeshment Program Unraveled -
4 Weeks Starting Saturday July 24th 2021 - (classes usually 1.5 hours however this program is extended to 2 hours)
All Dates & Times are in PACIFIC STANDARD TIME
Saturday July 24th at 1:00 - 3:00 pm PST
Saturday July 31st at 1:00 - 3:00 pm PST
Saturday August 7th at 1:00 - 3:00 pm PST
Saturday August 14th at 1:00 - 3:00 pm PST
A zoom link will be sent 30 minutes prior at 12:30 pm PST.
A group for men only who have been looking for a safe place to learn, share and process healing for challenging relationships with their mothers that have impacted their lives and personal relationships negatively.
This group focuses on healing stuck patterns and giving clarity to not only see through the illusions cast but also to break free and liberate oneself gaining their independence, individuality and life back!
Cost: $444.00 US
To REGISTER: Email :
metakiqinetics@gmail.com. Payment can be made via PayPal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com or reignaleon@gmail.com. Please confirm payment via an email.
Recordings are not permitted and there are no refunds once joined and/or if classes are missed. Attendance is the responsibility of the attendee as the material is only available within the group, therefore cannot be made-up if missed as recordings are not available.
Personal shifts will be experienced as well as breakthroughs leading to personal growth and evolution.

Signature & Frequency: Discerning the Counterfeits from the Prime Original Creation
Date & Time Will Be Announced, This Course will begin in December 2020
This Group is designed to aid in teaching how to discern between the Prime Original signature and the counterfeits that are operating in society, within the infrastructure and even in the lives of those that are Real. This is an intensive course that will reveal those that are counterfeit agents vs those that are and have the Original Spark.
Limited Registration: Please email metakiqinetics@gmail.com

The Fallen Love Bite Syndrome
Love Bite Support Group
The Next upcoming Love Bite Group will be announced soon, approximating the end of September or October.
We are holding a “Love Bite” support group for both men and women starting the first week in beginning of TO BE ANNOUNCED
This will be held via Zoom video-conferencing and each group will have no more than 8 participants plus two facilitators, Eve Lorgen and Lauda Leon.
In this support group we will:
Identify life and relationship patterns related to “alien abduction and/or interference”
Understand the nature of love obsession characteristics and learn how to disengage from unhealthy relating behaviors if/when such a love connection is “engineered” and interfered with.
Distinguish healthy versus unhealthy relationship dynamics by understanding the nature of unresolved trauma and its resultant personality patterns and coping skills that perpetuate problems in ones life in relationships. Unresolved trauma causes one to be vulnerable to “manipulations”.
How to stop the spinning of relationship “trauma dramas” and learn how to respond differently when interference is happening.
Learn how to identify if the “love bite” is a form of co-dependent empath personality pattern in relationship with a personality disordered (narcissist or borderline) person, who tends to act as the “energy vampire”.
Learn to strengthen ones own authentic self-love so that one will not be as easily “interfered with” by manipulative or controlling people, aliens or “hosted” individuals.
Understand the importance of setting boundaries with unhealthy energy vampires and personality disordered people, who are unlikely to change.
This Love Bite Support group is for individuals who have experiences that encompass the spectrum, anywhere from a classic “alien love bite” (as written in The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships”—(See: http://evelorgen.com/wp/books/ ) or a “Dark Cupid” type of interdimentionaly orchestrated relationship with the classic interference patterns described in my “Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, The Supernatural and Energy Vampirism” book. Both books can be purchased directly via evelorgen.com. See:
For more information on what is a classic “Alien Love Bite” please see the original article:
Article on Alien Orchestrated Human Bonding Dramas:
These relationships often feel as if they are “Twin Flames” or Soul Mates.
Red Flags of a Dark Side of Cupid Connection (Taken from Dark Side of Cupid book)
– Dreams of the partner before meeting them, suggesting something precognitive.
– Physical sensations in the solar plexus, genital, gut or other body areas, such as neck, heart, and between the shoulders.
– Astral sex visitations and/or telesthesia — sensing the energy body in a sexual way and very physically, as if another being were present but invisible.
– Strong psychic connection, even though you may not really love your partner.
– Powerful sexual passion and obsessive need to have sex, even in cases in which you don’t love the partner or they don’t love you and/or are abusive.
– Psychic responses and coincidences from either partner, like receiving a phone call or email from your partner the moment you think about cutting off the connection.
– A sense of emotional or physical draining.
– One partner becoming suddenly switched off emotionally or “psychically unplugged.”
– Feelings of being watched, or being played like puppets in some drama-myth.
– Paranormal activity, third party “entity” visits or attacks, sudden dreams, visions and thoughts as if implanted.
– Obsessive thoughts that are not usual for either partner
– Synchronicity, omens, and a feeling of being in a magical reality.
Cost of the entire 6 week group is USD$240.00.
For the mens group, make payment via Lauda Leon's Paypal to metakiqinetics@gmail.com or reignaleon@gmail.com
For the women's group, make payment directly via evelorgen.com . Under the Contact Menu button, scroll down to where it says 'pay for a session' via the donation button. Enter the cost: $240.00 for 6 sessions via the PayPal donation button with the message LBSG.
Warm regards,
Evie and Lauda